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Common Controls

There are few common controls available throughout the screen using which you can sort, filter the data, refresh the screen, etc.

  1. Refresh
    Click the Refresh button on the top right corner of the screen to refresh the panel with updated information.

  2. Search
    The Search textbox is available in the top panel of the Output Directory List screen. This functionality allows user to search the data in the panel based on the provided value. To apply filters on the column headers, perform the below steps.

    1. Click on the Search textbox on top left corner of the column headers. On clicking, it will display the list of all the column headers name on which filter can be applied.

    2. Select the column header on which filter need to be applied. This will open the pop-up for the selected filter in which you need to enter the desired input.

    3. Click OK to apply the filter criteria else click Cancel.

  3. Clear Filter
    This option allows user to remove any filter applied on the column headers. The button is enabled only when search criteria is applied.

  4. Configure Columns
    Using this option, you can view the list of all the column headers and can include or exclude any column header from the panel based on their requirement. By default, all column headers are included. Perform the below steps, to include or exclude the column headers.

    1. Click the 3 Dot icon on top right corner of the panel to view the options.

    2. Select the Configure Columns option. It will open the Column Configuration window and displays the list of all the column headers for the panel. Column headers can be re-arranged by drag and drop functionality. To exclude or include any column headers in the panel, uncheck the checkbox(s) available with the column header name.

    3. Click the Apply button to make the changes effective else click Cancel.

  5. Sort Ascending
    To sort the column values in ascending order i.e. A-Z, 0-9, etc., click the Upward arrow next to the column header name. It sorts the values in ascending order in the panel based on the selection made.

  6. Sort Descending
    To sort the values in descending order i.e., Z-A, 9-0, etc., click the Downward arrow next to the column header name. It sorts the values in descending order in the panel based on the selection made.

  7. Export As CSV
    To export the results in CSV format, click Export As CSV button available at the top right corner of the panel.

  8. Export As PDF
    To export the results in PDF format, click Export As PDF button available at the top right corner of the panel.

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