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Domain is used for maintaining the consistency across various data sources when we have same set of information in a database.

PKware offers a feature for globalizing protection outputs garnered from sensitive data across numerous platforms, called the domain. The domain feature grants the ability to determine the scope of consistency up to which sensitive data should be masked/encrypted. It also allows us to specify where unstructured data should be placed after being protected.

In RDBMS platforms, data is masked/encrypted in-place. For other data sources (Files, AWS, Hadoop, etc.), it creates a copy of the data, applies protection options and stores it in the destination directory specified in the domain. Users determine within a protection task whether they want to keep the original unstructured/semi-structured data or delete the targeted files after protection is complete. Therefore, the domain feature is a key utility that allows for multi-faceted protection strategies.

Domains are created with the default Java KeyStore that is included with PK Protect or Custom KeyStores.

*Note: To implement Custom KeyStores, please contact PKware Support team.

To access Domain, click Domain in the navigation panel.

The following section covers:

  1. Create a Domain

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