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Getting Started


In Detection, you need to locate and identify sensitive data, based on the policy defined within big data, and traditional repositories such as databases and file stores.

Sampling Configuration

In PK Protect, the Sampling Configuration will detect the sensitive information in the database. By Default, the PK Protect provides two options for sampling the data.


In PK Protect, the Sampling Configuration will detect the sensitive information in the database. By Default, the PK Protect provides two options for sampling the data.


In PK Protect, the Sampling Configuration will detect the sensitive information in the database. By Default, the PK Protect provides two options for sampling the data.


Regulations such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) are forcing organizations worldwide, to revisit their Data Privacy policies and practices. Other privacy regulations around the world are likely to have data subject rights as their core principles. While there are minor variations in the specific types of information involved and the conditions under which these rights are to be respected, the fundamental requirements are similar.

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