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How to Define a Role in Access Control List (ACL)

An Access Control List (ACL) feature in PK Protect defines the list of permissions granted to a user in order to access the encrypted well it allows you to define when they can perform the operation and on what Sensitive Types.


Controller must be installed. For detailed information about the installation process, refer Install DSM Administrator in Linux and Install DSM Administrator in Windows.

Steps to Define a Role

The following section of this page outlines the step-by-step procedure to define a role:

  1. Login into PK Protect application.

  2. The next step is to create a masking task, or you can even select an already created task in the given module (such as RDBMS, Hadoop, Files, AWS, etc.). To know more on how to create a task, refer Task.

  3. The next step is to grant permissions to a user in ACL screen (Access Control List) so that they decrypt the data stored in different databases or data sources.

    1. To grant permission to particular user, you need to define its role in the Role Management screen. To access Role Management, go to ACL > Role Management. Click Add New Role button on top of the screen. To know more about each field, refer Role Management.

    2. To manage user access in order to decrypt the encrypted data in the selected datasource, you need to add user in the Group/User List of the ACL Management screen. To access ACL Management, go to ACL > ACL Management and add user details. To know more, refer ACL Management.

  4. The last step in the process of performing Decryption is to create a task. The Task screen enables a user to selected locations of the saved files in which sensitive information is stored. To know more about each field, refer Create Task.

*Note: The ACL feature is applicable for the following options:

  1. FP Encryption/Decryption

  2. AES Encryption/Decryption

  3. Row Encryption/Decryption

  4. Masking/Field Encryption/Decryption

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