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How to Schedule a Task

Scheduler provides the flexibility to execute the tasks at scheduled intervals, automatically.


Controller must be installed. For detailed information about the installation process, refer Install DSM Administrator in Linux and Install DSM Administrator in Windows.

Steps to Schedule a Task

The following section of this page outlines the step-by-step procedure to schedule a task:

  1. Login to the PK Protect application.

  2. The next step is to create a task, or you can even select an already created task in the given module (such as RDBMS, Hadoop, NoSQL, etc.). To know more about each field, refer Task.

  3. The last step is to schedule a Task. To do that, open the Scheduler screen and click Scheduler in the navigation panel. Pick the module in the Select Module drop-down from the given list. Now, fill in the details in order to schedule a task. To know more about each field, refer Schedule a Task.

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