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The Overview page provides a complete picture of the organization’s sensitive data. It displays detailed information about the sensitive data, which is Exposed, Protected (encrypted or masked), Safe or Skipped. It also shows the information in graphical representation stating the total data processed based on the type of file i.e., structured, or unstructured. It also gives a clear picture of the total size of the sensitive data processed, based on the data source type in each policy.

  1. Exposed: The sensitive data which is not protected during the processing is marked as Exposed.

  2. Protected: The sensitive data which are encrypted or masked using protection option such as AES Encryption, FPE Masking, etc., while processing is categorized as Protected.

  3. Safe: The sensitive data which is marked safe in Safe-list or the data is already protected is marked as Safe.

  4. Skipped: The data records which were skipped during the processing is marked as Skipped.

*Note: By default, only Admin can access the Reports section. You can provide rights to other users for accessing the Reports section through, User Management > Roles > Edit Product Access Permissions option in Admin. To know more on Roles and Permissions in both Linux and Windows environment, refer to section Manage Roles and Permissions in Linux and Manage Roles and Permissions in Windows.

To access Overview page, click Reports > Overview. The page is divided into three panels.

  1. Assets In Scope

  2. Overall Coverage

  3. Exposure And Protection

The graphics in each row, provide insight of the total objects in all data sources e.g., DBMS, HDFS, S3, Hadoop, etc. You can segregate the result for ‘All’, ‘On-Premises’ or ‘Cloud’ data in the charts, based on the selection made at the top of the screen. Click the Download button to download the Overview screen in the PDF format.

Data assets are termed as data sources or data stores and Data objects are referred as tables/files.

  1. Assets in Scope

    This section provides a complete overview of the data assets. There are various charts that provide information for the sensitive data stored in different tables/files. Click on each chart to view the total size and count of tables/files stored in each data asset.

    1. The first chart All Assets indicates the total number of data assets present on the On-Premises and on the Cloud environment.

    2. The second chart provides the total size and count of all the objects discovered across all the data sources.

      To view the server size and count of the total data objects in each data source, click the chart and it will display the total size and count of the tables/files for all the data sources. You can edit these details by clicking on the Setting icon. The user can even manually specify the server size and tables/files count.

      *Note: If any object has  in the last column, it means that due to some unexpected reasons such as revoking the permission from the user for accessing the database or unexpected shutdown of the system, etc., you are not able to access it.

      To view the in-depth details for each data source, click the data source name and the Server/Cluster Details screen will appear.

      To view the total size and count of Sensitive Type discovered for the selected server/cluster name, check the checkbox available with the server/cluster name. Click Show Details button. This will display the size and count of sensitive type in the Server/Cluster Details panel. To update the Servers/Clusters panel with all the connections name, click Refresh button.

      To view reports for DBMS data source, click the Comprehensive Reports button. This will display information in form of graphs for various dimensions such as Sensitive Types, Policies, DB Types, etc. To know more information for Comprehensive Reports, visit Comprehensive Reports.

    3. The third chart indicates the percentage of the exposed objects that contain sensitive type group. It also displays the total size and the count of the exposed objects.

      To view the total size and count of the objects for each data source, click the chart and it will display the total size and count of objects containing the exposed data for each data source.

      To view the in-depth details for each data source, click the data source name and the Details screen will appear.

      This screen displays the information for the exposed objects along with the sensitive type group in each object for the selected data source. To download the report in PDF format, visit Export as PDF.

    4. The fourth chart indicates the percentage of the protected objects. These objects contain any sensitive type group and is marked as protected using any of the protection options such as FPE Masking, AES Encryption, Random Masking, etc.

      This chart also displays the total size and the count of objects which are marked as protected.

      To view the size and count of protected objects for each data source, click the chart.  This screen will display the size and count of objects for each data source.

      To view the in-depth details for each data source, click the data source name and the Details screen will appear.

      This screen displays the information for the protected objects marked as ‘Y’ along with the size of each object for the selected data source. To download the report in PDF format, visit Export as PDF.

    5. The fifth chart indicates the percentage of the safe objects within the data sources. It also displays the count and size of all the objects that are marked as safe.

      To view the size and count of the safe objects for each data source, click the chart and the screen will display the total size and count for all objects in each data source in which sensitive type group is marked safe.

      To view the complete details for each data source, click on the data source name and the Details screen will appear.

      This screen displays the information for the objects which are marked as Safe as ‘Y’ in Safe column along with the size of each table. To download the report in PDF format, visit Export as PDF.

    6. The sixth chart indicates the percentage of the skipped objects for each data source. This chart also displays the total size and count of the objects which are skipped.

      Click the chart to view the size and count of objects skipped in each data source. The screen will display the size and count for each data source in which objects were skipped.

      To view the complete details for each data source, click the data source name and Details screen will appear.

      The Details screen will display information of all skipped objects along with the size for the selected data source. To download the report in PDF format, visit Export as PDF.

    7. The seventh chart indicates the percentage of the unprocessed objects. This chart also displays the total size and the count of the objects which are marked as unprocessed.

      Click the chart to view the details for each data source. This screen will display the total size and count of unprocessed objects for each data source.

      To view the in-depth details for each data source, click the data source name and the Server Details screen will appear.

      To view the total size and count of Sensitive Type discovered for the selected server/cluster name, check the checkbox available with the server/cluster name.

      Click Show Details button. This will display the size and count of sensitive type in the Server/Cluster Details panel.

  2. Overall Coverage

    The Overall Coverage section displays the information in four different charts. This section offers an insight of the sensitive data based on the different dimension such as Content Type, Policy, Coverage Trend based on the data sources and Overall Coverage graph showing whether data in the objects were Exposed, Protected, Safe or Skipped.

    Click on the box provided on the top right corner of each graph, to view it in the full screen as well as to download the graph in PDF format.

    Click on the chart legend mentioned on the bottom of the chart, to view data for specific dimension.

    For example, in the above screenshot, you can view data for Exposed chart legend. Since Protected, Safe and Skipped has been hidden.

    1. The Overall Coverage graph display size of the objects in each data source which are Exposed, Protected, Safe and Skipped.

      To view the complete details of all the tables/files that are marked as Safe, Protected, Exposed or Skipped, click the chart and the Details screen will appear.

      This screen will display the name of all tables/files, size of table/files and the information in form of ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (No) whether the file was marked as Safe, Exposed, Protected or Skipped.  To download the report in the PDF format, visit Export as PDF.

    2. The Processed Coverage Trend graph displays the information about the data processed in the specific time i.e., month wise. This chart displays the total size of the tables or files and the month on which the processing was done.

    3. The Processed Content graph shows the breakdown of the data processed based on the schema. This chart categorizes the data based on the schema i.e., structured, unstructured files and relational, non-relational databases.

      To view the size and count of the processed data based on the schema, click the chart. It will display the information for the processed content based on the selection.

      E.g., The above screenshot displays the information of the processed content for structured files in Cloud Store and File Share when clicked on the structured files bar chart.  

      To view the complete details for each data source, click the data source name. It will display the Details screen.

      This screen will display information for the selected data source along with the Content Type and Size of the file/table. The Comprehensive Reports are available only for DBMS data source. To access Comprehensive Reports screen, click the Comprehensive Reports button in the left side panel.

      To know more information for Comprehensive Reports, visit Comprehensive Reports. To download the report in the PDF format, visit Export as PDF.

    4. The Policy Content graph shows the breakdown of the content based on the different policies.
      It displays the size of the sensitive types belonging to multiple policies and data sources.

      To view the size and count of the Policy Content based on different data sources, click the chart.

      The screen displays the total count and size of the tables/files across each data sources name. E.g., in the above screenshot displays the information of the policy content for PII DBMS in HDFS and File Share. Similarly, you can view information for other polices in the graph.

      To view the complete details for each data source, click the data source name. It will display the Details screen.

      This screen will display information for the selected data source along with the content type, size of the file or table and the Sensitive Type group it holds. To download the report in the PDF format, visit Export as PDF.


    The Exposure And Protection graphs break down the objects based on the sensitive data in them. It provides information whether the sensitive data has been Protected (masked or encrypted), Exposed (detected but unprotected), Skipped or marked Safe in the objects.

    Click on the Legend for each chart to hide or unhide the selected data in the graph.

    1. The Exposed graph displays the size of the exposed objects. This graph depicts that during the scanning of the data source how much sensitive data has been detected and is exposed.

      E.g., in the above screenshot for DBMS, 169.36 MB of Sensitive data is marked as unsafe. Similarly, the data for other three data sources have been displayed in the graph. 

      To view the complete details for selected data source, click the data source name. It will display the Details screen.

      This screen will display the information for the selected data source along with the Exposed File column specifying the number of tables or files exposed and the name of the sensitive type group which is marked as ‘Y’ for being exposed or unprotected.  To download the report in the PDF format, visit Export as PDF.

    2. The Protected graph will display the total size of the objects which are marked as protected.

      E.g., in the above screenshot the total of 1.82 GB of objects is Protected i.e., either masked or encrypted.

      To view the complete details for selected data source, click the data source name. It will display the Details screen.

      This screen will display the information for the selected data source along with the Protected File column specifying the count of tables/files and the size of each file marked as ‘Y’ (yes) which depicts that the file is protected. To download the report in the PDF format, visit Export as PDF.

    3. The Safe graph will display the total size of the objects which are marked as Safe.

      E.g., in the above screenshot the total of 2.53 KB of objects in files are marked as Safe. Similarly, the objects for other three data sources can be seen in the graph. To view the complete details for selected data source, click the data source name. It will display the Details screen.

      This screen will display the information for the selected data source along with the Safe File column containing the total count of tables/files and the size of each file marked as ‘Y’ (yes) which depicts that the file is Safe. To download the report in the PDF format, visit Export as PDF.

    4. The Skipped graph display the total size of the objects for each data source that has been skipped. Any files/tables that have not been scanned is shown in the Skipped graph.

      To view the complete details for selected data source, click the data source name. It will display the Details screen.

      This screen will display the information for the selected data source along with the Skipped File column containing the total count of objects and the size of each file marked as ‘Y’ (yes) which depicts that the file is not scanned or have been skipped. To download the report in the PDF format, visit Export as PDF.

Export as PDF

To download the report in PDF format, perform the below steps:

  1. Click the Export as PDF button. A pop-up with the PDF file name will appear on the screen. 

    1. To download the generated PDF report, visit Exported Reports.


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