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This section is intended to guide users through installation, configuration, and administration of PK Protect in Windows environemnt. By the end of this section, the user should be clear on basic configuration options and be able to clearly administer the product.


This installation & configuration section is structured to reflect different activities workflow. As such, the chapters are:

  1. Installation

  2. Configuration

  3. Admin

  4. Verify Installation

  5. Uninstallation

  6. Appendixes


Within the text, certain convections identify particular terms. The following table describes these conventions and provides examples of their use.





The bolded term occurs in the application

“Edit or execute a task by selecting the desired task and clicking the Edit or Execute buttons.”


A reference to another document or section of this document

“For more information, see Sections 5.4 Domain Definitions and 5.6 Output Directory.”


A specific screen in the application.

“Access the New Find-it Task page via the New Task tab on the Find-it Tasks page.”


A clearly divided subsection of a page.

“The top panel shows task instance details such as task type, status, and when it occurred (start and stop time).”



The sidebar on the left side of the screen

” Access the Masker Tasks page from the menu under DBMS > Masker > Tasks.”


A button that allows for easy navigation within or between pages. Typically located across the top panel on a page.

Access the New Find-it Task page via the New Task tab on the Find-it Tasks page.

Related Sources

This document is intended to support user deployment of PK Protect on the customer site. Other documents are also available:

  1. PK Protect User Guide – Orients system users and introduces general concepts within PK Protect’s various solutions (DBMS, Files, Hadoop).

  2. PK Protect REST API Reference – Describes in detail the REST APIs that are supported by PK Protect.

  3. Online Help – Accessible from any screen in PK Protect, it shares in-depth information on each screen as well as context specific tips.

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