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Extract Files from an Archive

You can extract all files in an archive, or you can extract just the files that you select.

Just drag files from an open archive, or use the Extract Files dialog to give you powerful options for selecting files to extract.

To extract files using the Extract Files dialog:

1.  Choose Extract Files, or click Extract on the Quick Access toolbar to open the Extract Files dialog.

Note: This dialog will look different depending on your version of Windows.

2.  Select All files if you want to extract all files in the archive. Click Selected files if you want to extract only files selected in the Smartcrypt main window.

Text to the right of these buttons tells you the total number of files to be extracted and their total size.

3.  Specify a destination folder where you want to extract the files.

The top half of the Extract Files dialog is a standard Windows file-access dialog. Select a folder using the tree at the top, or the Extract to drop-down menu list. The New Folder button creates a new subfolder, which you can name, in the currently selected folder in the tree. You can enter a destination directly in Extract to. If you specify a folder that does not exist, it will be created.

4.  Optionally, apply advanced filters from the first of the two drop-down menus at the bottom of the dialog.

Choices are:


What It Does

No filter

Extracts all files (or all selected files) without applying any filter.


Applies the advanced filters currently set for extraction in Extraction options. Click Options next to Extract to see (and edit) the Advanced filters.

Advanced filters are additional criteria that a file must meet in order to be extracted. For example, you can filter out all files that are older than a certain date. With filters applied, even though a file is initially selected to be extracted, it will actually be extracted only if it passes the filters.

5.  Optionally, you can choose a folder to open after extracting the files. Choose Open folder after extracting from the bottom drop-down menu.

6.  Choose Extract to extract the files.

Note: Archived files with alternate data streams will be extracted with the alternate streams intact.

The files are extracted using the settings currently specified in Options. To review or change these settings before you extract, click Options.

If files you are extracting are passphrase-encrypted, Smartcrypt prompts you for a passphrase.

Note: You may be prompted for a passphrase several times. If you extract passphrase-encrypted files that do not all use the same passphrase, Smartcrypt prompts you for each different passphrase needed.

You can also extract files by dragging them to a destination folder in Windows Explorer.

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