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macOS Reference

My Account

NameName of the currently logged in user
EmailEmail of the user is logged in as
Identity ProviderType of ownership the account belongs to
Connected toPK Protect server the PK Protect account is communicating with
UnlinkLogs the current user out


A table that provides a list of notifications. Notifications that appear here can be clicked for further action such as sharing of a Smartkey. The default view will show as, "No Notifications"


The Smartkeys page provides the user with the ability to add, edit, and display Smartkeys.

Left Side (List of Smartkeys)

NameNames of available Smartkeys
   +Clicking the "+" creates a new key and prompts the user for a name
   -Deletes the current selected Smartkey. This option can be greyed out of the user does not own the selected Smartkey

Right Side (Details)

NameName of the selected Smartkey
OwnerOwner name and email of the selected Smartkey
CreatedDate Smartkey was created

Name - Participant of a Smartkey

Email - Email associated with the participant

     +If the user is an owner of the Smartkey they can click this option to add new users as participants of the Smartkey


File Types

File types checked under this tab will use PK Protect as the default application.


Items provided with the Actions tab decide what happens with archives during their use.

Extract Archive to:A location for where an archive should be extracted to if double clicked
Extract Mail Attachments to:A location for where an email attachment archive should be extracted to if double clicked
Open Action:Action for what happens to an archive if it's double clicked.
Automatically open extracted itemIf "Extract Archive" is chosen for "Open Archive" this option will be available to open the contents of the extracted archive
Automatically delete original file(s) when encryptingIf a user right clicks to encrypt a file and this option is checked, PK Protect will delete the original unencrypted file
Automatically delete original archive when decryptingIf a user decrypts an archive and this option is checked, it will delete the original encrypted archive


Encrypt FilesEnable/Disable Encryption for PK Protect
AlgorithmAlgorithm used for encryption actions
Enable SmartkeysEnable/Disable use of Smartkeys
DefaultThe default Smartkey to be used for encryption actions
Enable CertificatesEnable/Disable use of certificates
DefaultDefault certificate to be used for encryption actions
Enable PassphraseEnable/Disable use of passphrases
Sign FilesEnable/Disable use of signing files
AlgorithmAlgorithm used for signing files
CertificateCertificate used for signing files

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