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Creating and Deploying Classification Configurations

  1. Create a classification configuration in Classifier Administration using the PDF guides supplied with the software
  2. In Classifier Administration, click in top root Classifier Administrator on the left hand side of the application
    1. Click Publish Configuration on the right hand side under "Actions"
    2. Select a local file store to store the classifier configuration
    3. Give a reason and name for the publication
  3. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the root folder of the newly published classification configuration
  4. Select the three folders under the root classification configuration and compress them into one zip: Label Configurations, Management, Messages
  5. Take this newly created zip configuration, upload it to the Archive >Classification >Configurations >Add page to save it in the Smartcrypt Enterprise Manager
  6. Go to Archive > Classification > Policy. Click Add and fill out the form:
    1. Name: Give a name of the policy
    2. Classification: Declare the AD names/groups to be associated with this classification policy
    3. Configuration: Select the newly uploaded zip configuration from the dropdown
    4. Label Configuration: Give the string of the underlying label configuration name. This string can be found in Classifier Administration directly under "Labeling Configurations" with a gear icon beside it
    5. Policy Configuration: Give the string of one of the policies created under the "Policies" folder in Classifier Administration
    6. Options: Checking, "Classifier Tooltip" will present the classification of a classified zip file instead of the Smartcrypt icon
    7. Plugins: Checking the options under plugins will allow for classifier add-on's to operate in the MS Office applications
    8. Click Save
  7. The classification configuration will be deployed out to the declared users. Office add-ins will be able to retrieve the newest classification configuration. File Classifier will retrieve the latest configuration after windows.exe is restarted.
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