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This tab is the default screen that opens when you log in to the PEM Administrator. It acts as a reminder for the system administrator by displaying the list of tasks that need to be configured for the system, indicating which are in completed or pending state.

Getting Started

The Getting Started panel lists down the pending actions that need to be completed to finish setting up the PEM Administrator.

  1. Server Identity Account: You need to create a Server Identity Account. This site account is required to register PEM Administrator with PKWARE and is also used for acquiring licenses from the PK Protect Cloud.
  2. Setup PEM Administrators: Administrators must be setup under Admins sub-tab which can be accessed via the Identities > Admins tab in PEM Administrator. To configure an administrator, click Do it button to navigate to Admins. After your site is registered with PKWARE and the PK Protect Cloud, configuring access to the Active Directory Domain controller is required. As covered in the Windows Server: Installation and Setup Guide (link to the page), PEM Administrator needs to be running in Internet Information Server (IIS) on a Windows Server machine joined to the domain you are using for your organization. If you have several domain controllers and/or need to provide authentication to access Active Directory Domain Services, you can configure PK Protect to use a specific domain controller or set or credentials.
  3. Setup E-mail Notifications: Optionally, PEM Administrator can be configured to provide email notifications to manage Smartkey access requests and receipts. To setup email notifications, configure the Mail Settings on the Basics page or click Do It button to navigate to that section.
  4. Configure your site-wide policy: The site-wide policy under Policy sub-tab of Archive needs to be configured for using PEM Administrator. Site-wide policy is an organization's base policy that is applied if the user or group in question does not fall under any of the other policies.
  5. Create a Discovery Protection Policy and System Target with Quick Start: Clicking on Do It button in the Action page redirects the user to Quick Start page. This gives user the ability to start scanning quickly after the installation by answering three simple questions i.e., What data do you want to discover, what platforms do you want to discover on and paths to scan. Based on the selections made by the user, a System Discovery Policy is automatically created. This includes creation of a system discovery target, system discovery file protection policy and all dependent objects in the PEM Administrator.

Completed Actions – Last 30 Days

This panel displays details of completed actions performed within PEM Administrator in the last 30 days. Following is the description for all the columns present in the panel.

Column Name



This column provides an explanation of the change request that was executed.

Created By

This column indicates the role of admin who executed the change request.

Approved By

This column indicates the role of admin who approved the change request.


This column displays timestamp of when the change request was approved.


This column displays the status of a particular action item i.e., if it is Completed or Cancelled.


This column displays timestamp of the when the change request was generated.

Two actions can be performed in the panel against every change request. These are:

  • Repeat: Click this button to repeat the corresponding action again, if possible.
  • Delete: Click this button to delete the corresponding action from the screen.

PEM Administrator Approval System

PEM Administrator has a two-way approval system for processing change requests (such as adding new admins, deleting admins, or editing policies). This means if one system administrator makes changes, then another system administrator needs to approve the action. This two-way approval system prevents a malicious user to make changes without review or approval.

The Pending Actions panel appears when an action requiring approval is pending.

When a change request is generated, an alert will show up in the Pending Actions panel as shown in the below screenshot.

Following is the description for all the columns present in the panel:

Column Name



This column provides an explanation of the action or the change that is pending.

Created By

This column indicates the role of admin who has generated the change request.


This column displays timestamp when the change request was generated.

Three actions can be performed in the panel against every change request. These are:

  • Approve – Click this button to approve the change request. The change request is added to the Completed Actions - Last 30 Days panel, post approval.
  • Cancel – Click this button to decline or cancel the change request. The change request is added to the Completed Actions – Last 30 Days panel, post cancellation.
  • Delete – Click this button to remove the request from the screen, without specifically cancelling it.
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