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Admin API

Contact your PKWARE Professional Services representative if you did not receive these sample script files, or if you need assistance with using the PKWARE PK Protect Admin API. To access the full api documentation, enter the following as a URL in your browser. <insert PEM URL>/mds/api-docs/index.html

Using the Admin API

To begin using API calls within your application, you must first connect and establish a session. This will use your Admin API key that was issued when EnableAPI was selected for your PEM Administrator admin ID. The steps to establish this session are shown below using PowerShell.

$myPK ProtectHost = "pkware.PK"
$myAdminAPItoken  = "DFRmZPCdGDqg3wgOcJ7FUA"
$ConnectURL       = "https://"+$mySmartcryptHost+"/mds/su/api/v1.0/Login"
$setToken = @{
           token = $myAdminAPItoken
Write-Host " "
$RESP = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ConnectURL -Method Post -Body $setToken
Write-Host "Token=$RESP"

The value returned from this call will be the authorization string that must be included within the header of each subsequent call you make. The value returned will be similar to what appears below:

Token=eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjoiMjAxOS0xMi0wNVQxOTowODoyMloiLCJub25jZSI6Ikp4Q2hLc0pFR2hkX29tdVptM XZsRVcyTmghNXh3TURKd3ZRX1lSY0UhQlUiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiIxNDk2NzpydDgzdjI0ZFRZRnRHL1dvVTdrRUw2 VmlOQkFjdER0bGJnS2V5ekhRN2FFPSIsInVzZXJJZCI6Nzd9

You can insert your authorization string into your request header as shown.

$setAuthToken = @{
Authorization = "MDS $RESP"

Make sure you include the string prefix “MDS “ in front of the value of your authorization string. You can then make calls using other Admin API functions. For example, the lines below will request all Communities.

$CommunityURL = "https://"+$mySmartcryptHost+"/mds/su/api/v1.0/Archive/Community" Write-Host "GETTING ALL COMMUNITIES " Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $CommunityURL -Method Get -Header $setAuthToken

Additional Samples Using the Admin API

Contact your PKWARE Professional Services representative if you did not receive these sample script files, or if you need assistance with using the PKWARE PK Protect Admin API. Most often, the best way for a developer to learn a new API is through working samples. PKWARE provides several sample scripts showing commonly used operations with Communities and Assignments. These samples include using methods to list (GET), create (POST), update (PUT) and delete (DELETE) both community and assignment records. These samples are currently only available for PowerShell. The samples that accompany this guide include these files:

assignments.ps1 – Examples using communities with assignments. Includes GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE operations.

community.ps1 - Examples using communities. Includes GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE operations. Before running these scripts, you will need to edit several variables that require values from your

PEM Administrator. Set the following using values from your PEM configuration:

$mySmartcryptHost = "SET THIS TO MATCH YOUR PEM"
$myUser1 = "user1@PK"
$myUser2 = "user2@PK"
$myUser3 = "user3@PK"
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