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Upgrading the PEM Administrator Appliance

To upgrade to the latest version:

  1. Download the latest update (delivered as a .zip file).

  2. Navigate to the System tab of the PEM Administrator.

  3. Click Choose File from the System Updates section and select the .zip file you downloaded in Step 1.

  4. Click Update. The update will be applied, and the system will automatically restart. Some updates will take longer than others and you may need to wait up to 15 minutes for an update to be fully applied.

There are two Appliance update .ZIP files. The first one contains OS package updates, and the second one contains PEM Administrator application updates. Operating system updates must be applied before the PEM Administrator update.

Note: If you are upgrading to an 18.X from a 17.X PEM Administrator, you must first be on 17.7.43, apply the OS update, and then apply the PEM Administrator 18.X update. Note that these updates may cause the appliance to restart more than once.
Upgrading from versions prior to 18.x
  1. Disable the service API (Basics | Enable Service API (toggle to No)).
  2. Apply the 17.7.43 PEM upgrade to your primary server.
  3. Apply the 17.7 OS upgrade pack to primary server.
  4. Apply latest OS upgrade pack to primary server.
  5. Apply latest PEM upgrade pack to primary server.
  6. Enable service API (Basics | Enable Service API (toggle to Yes)).
  7. Repeat 2-6 on your secondary servers.

Updating software on a cluster

If you are updating an appliance cluster, update the primary first, then secondaries that replicate directly from that primary, then secondaries that replicate from the first set of secondaries, etc.

Note: Upgrading the primary causes a publication of the compatibility matrix between all secondaries. All nodes will evaluate themselves and decide if they are compatible or not. If they are not, they disable their service API (clients cannot connect to them) and they send a message stating that they are not compatible with the cluster. Each secondary must be upgraded; after which they will rejoin replication. secondaries may be updated ahead of the primary. For example: If the primary is on v17.0 and a secondary is on v17.1, the secondary will operate at the v17.0 feature-set until the primary has been upgraded to v17.1.
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