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Windows Server: Using SQL Authentication with SQL Server

SQL Authentication

Summary of setup:

  1. Create New Database in SQL Server
  2. Create New Login Credential and set up ownership for new Credential on new Database
  3. Use Mixed Mode Authentication Setting within SQL Server
  4. Confirm you can log in with SQL Server Management Studio as newly created credential

IIS Settings

No changes needed in authentication IIS as credential is stored in Web.config

Loading Database Schema

Execute SmartcryptDB.exe as normal because the database credential is stored in Web.config

Sample Connection String in Web.config

     <add name="SmartcryptEntities" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="data source=dbserver;initial catalog=dbname;user id=dbusername;password=dbpassword;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework" />

dbserver = Name of the database server – example:

dbname = Name of the Database created in the server - example: pk protect

dbusername = Value of the SQL Login credential username

dbpassword = Value of the SQL Login credential password

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