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Miscellaneous Options

Controls to manage shortcuts and a few other features are available on the General page of Miscellaneous options.

Additional controls on the Folders page of Miscellaneous options enable you to pick folders to use by default when opening an archive or when adding or extracting files.

To access the General page of Miscellaneous options:

  1. Click the Application Menu.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Go to the Miscellaneous page.

Options on the General page


What it Does

Prompt on Smartkey decryption failure

If you receive a file from another Smartcrypt user encrypted for you with a Smartkey, and you are not logged in to Smartcrypt, the file will not decrypt.

Check this box to be notified when this happens, giving you options to process this file.

Check for .ZIP association on start up

Check this box to have Smartcrypt offer to associate .ZIP files with Smartcrypt if they are not associated with Smartcrypt already when you start the program. When .ZIP files are associated with Smartcrypt, they open in Smartcrypt when you double-click them.

You can associate other archive file types with Smartcrypt too.

Reuse existing window

Check this box  to open archives in the same Smartcrypt window instead of opening each archive in its own window.

This setting tells Smartcrypt to use the same window to display successively opened archives.

If changes to the current archive have not been saved, Smartcrypt prompts you to save them before opening the next archive.

Open archives in exclusive mode

Check this box  if you want to update archives (or files in archives) located on a shared or network folder that another user also may want to update while you have the archive open.

Turning this option on gives you exclusive access to an archive when you open it. Another user who tries to open it receives the message, A sharing violation occurred while accessing <ZIP file>, until you close the archive.

If this option is turned off, you and another user can concurrently open an archive and its files, but neither of you can save changes back to the archive.

Disable Help - License

Check this box to disable the menu item License  in the Help menu in the main application window.

The menu item displays the product license text. The option to disable this menu item is provided for administrators who do not want to make the menu item available to users. If you want the option set, lock the setting in Smartcrypt Enterprise to prevent users from changing it.

Use PKWARE MIME viewer for .eml files

Check this box to have Smartcrypt display .eml email message files in its own internal MIME viewer when such files are opened in Smartcrypt. Clear the box to have Smartcrypt use whatever program is associated with .eml files on the user's system to open such files (Outlook, by default.)

Number of recently used archives to list

Enter a number in the field to set the maximum number of items that appear in the numbered list of recently used archives displayed under the File menu. Click an item in the list to open that archive.

Show Logs

To set the occasions on which Smartcrypt automatically displays the log when working in the main Smartcrypt window, select one of the following from the Show Log drop-down menu: 


Displays the transaction log after every (non-drag-and-drop) extraction or test of an archive

Only on errors

Displays the transaction log only if the transaction involved errors.

Note: The  log will always display when extracting files from Windows Explorer.

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