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KB - Using OpenPGP keyrings with Smartcrypt

Smartcrypt can read from Openpgp / PGP keyrings from either the hard coded locations or a custom location set by an environment variable within Windows. 

Where does Smartcrypt look for keyrings?

By default, Smartcrypt will look for keyrings in two hard coded locations:

    1. \Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\gnupg  (secring.gpg and pubring.gpg)
    2. \Users\{username}\Documents\PGP  (secring.skr and pubring.pkr)

Setting your own location for keyrings

Smartcrypt gives you the extra option of specifying your own custom location.  Simply set an environment variable in Windows for PK_OPENPGP_SECRET_RING and PK_OPENPGP_PUBLIC_RING to redirect Smartcrypt to these locations and specific file names.

How do I add other keys to my existing keyrings?

Keys from other keyrings can be added to your existing keyrings by using third party applications such as OpenPGP, PGP or PKWARE's Keymaker (Enterprise license required to use Keymaker)


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