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Filter Files by Date, Age, or Size

In addition to filters for file name, date, and location, there are filters for file date, age, and size. Similar filters are available for adding and for extracting files.

When you filter by date, age, or size, only files that fall within the ranges you specify are included: files that fall outside any range are excluded.

See here for an overview of how to access and work with filters.

How to Use the Date, Age, and Size Filter Controls

To include only files whose date is on or after a specified date

  1. Check the On or after this date box.

  2. Enter a date in the left-hand control.

You can enter a date in several ways:

  • Select the month, day, or year and use the arrow keys to scroll the number values
  • Select the month, day, or year and type the number value you want
  • Select the arrow at the right of the control to display a calendar. Click the or button to view an earlier or later month. Click a day of the month to select it.

Enter a time in the control to the right. Select the hour, minute, or seconds and either type the values you want or use the scroll arrows to set them.

To include only files whose date is before a specified date

  1. Check the Before this date box.

  2. Enter a date in the left-hand control.

You can enter a date in several ways:

    • Select the month, day, or year and use the arrow keys to scroll the number values

    • Select the month, day, or year and type the number value you want

    • Select the arrow at the right of the control to display a calendar. Click the or button to view an earlier or later month. Click a day of the month to select it.

Enter a time in the control to the right. Select the hour, minute, or seconds and either type the values you want or use the scroll arrows to set them.

To include only files whose age is less than or equal to a specified number of days, hours, or minutes...

  1. Check the Newer than or equal to (days/hours/minutes) box.

  2. Enter the number of days and/or hours and/or minutes that represent the maximum age of files to select.

Enter days in the left-hand box, hours in the middle box, and minutes in the right-hand box. You do not need to enter a value in each box.

To include only files that are older than a specified number of days, hours, or minutes

  1. Check the Older than (days/hours/minutes) box.

  2. Enter the number of days and/or hours and/or minutes that you want all included files to be older than.

Enter days in the left-hand box, hours in the middle box, and minutes in the right-hand box. You do not need to enter a value in each box.

To include only files that are larger than or equal to a certain size

  1. Check the Larger than (or equal to) box.

  2. Enter the minimum size of files to include.

Select the type of size unit from the drop-down menu:

Type of Unit









 To include only files that are smaller than or equal to a certain size

  1. Check the Smaller than (or equal to) box.

  2. Enter the maximum size of files to include and select the type of size unit from the drop-down menu.

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