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Office Integration

Note: The Office Integration page appears only if the SaveSecure® feature is installed. The feature is installed by default but can be left uninstalled.

The Office Integration page contains controls for two options that help you use Smartcrypt with other programs—particularly with certain programs in the Microsoft Office suite. The features are turned on with a set of check boxes:

  • Automatically open single documents in archives

  • Enable SaveSecure® Integration (for Word, Excel and PowerPoint)

Note: Some options described here may be disabled by Smartcrypt Policy. Contact your Smartcrypt Policy Administrator for more information.

Automatically open single documents in archives

Check this box if you want Smartcrypt to automatically open an archived file in the file's associated application program when you open the archive from Windows Explorer or Smartcrypt. For example, with this option on, when you open a ZIP file that contains a single .doc file, the .doc file opens in Microsoft Word.

For this auto-open feature to work:

  • The ZIP archive must contain just a single file

  • The type of the file—*.docx or *.xlsx, for example—must be listed in the field underneath labeled Open the following document types.

You can add your own entries to the document types field. For example, to auto-open PDF documents in their associated application, add *.pdf. Use a semicolon (;) to separate multiple entries.

Note: Archives containing single Office documents display the same icon as if the document were not compressed. This simplifies opening compressed documents. Be aware, though, that if you keep both your original, uncompressed document and a compressed archive with the same name, you should always edit the original.

Save changes as soon as possible

If your administrative policy permits, you will see this check box here.

When you double-click a ZIP archive that contains a single file that auto-opens, the ZIP container stays open until the file is closed. If you make changes to the file, the archive container doesn't record the change until the file is closed and returns to the container. Check this box to tell Smartcrypt to update the archive when you make changes in the document.

Caution: If you check the Save changes as soon as possible box, take care to wait a few seconds before making more changes. There’s a chance that the data in the ZIP archive could be corrupted if trying to save multiple separate changes at the same time.

Collaboration and Exclusive Modes

If your administrative policy permits, you will see this drop-down menu. These options set priorities for when single-file ZIP archives are auto-opened, accessible to anyone.

Collaboration mode for auto-open: Anyone can open and view a document inside a single-file ZIP, but only the first person to save a single-file archive is allowed to edit/change/save the source file. If others attempt to save changes, they are prompted to save a new ZIP, which can be merged into the original document later.

Exclusive mode: Only one user can open and edit a document inside a ZIP. Anyone else attempting to open and read the document in this file will get an announcement that the file is open. They may optionally ask to be notified when the archive is available.

Collaboration mode for auto-open and Exclusive mode otherwise: If a file is auto-opened, Collaboration Mode applies. All other file types operate in Exclusive Mode.

No Collaboration mode: Anyone can open an archive and view its content. If a second person opens the file (in read-only mode), the first person cannot save changes to the archive.

Caution: If you have both Save changes as soon as possible and Collaboration Mode enabled, it's possible that two separate versions of the same document may exist. That is, User #1 opens DocumentX.docx, and while that document is being edited, User #2 opens DocumentX.docx, edits the same section. Both users save the document into a ZIP archive. User #3 might not know what wording is correct.

Enable SaveSecure Integration

The SaveSecure Integration option enables you to take a document that you are working on in a Microsoft Office application and save it directly as a ZIP file to a specified directory from the application. The option also enables you to open an Office document directly from a ZIP file when you are in the Office application that works with that type of document.

The option works with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and the types of documents associated with these programs. It works by adding some commands (notably, to save and open files) to the Office application. By default, integration is enabled for all three of these applications; clear a box to turn Office Integration off for the selected application(s). In Office 2010 and later, the commands are accessible from the Smartcrypt tab and from the File menu.

On the Office Integration tab in Smartcrypt Options, the two buttons Save copy as a ZIP archive and Save file as a ZIP archive configure the SaveSecure Office Integration option to add slightly different commands to Office applications. The commands save documents to ZIP files in two different ways.

  • Select Save copy as a ZIP archive to insert Save Copy with Smartcrypt in the application.

  • Select Save file as a ZIP archive to insert Save with Smartcrypt instead.

The table below describes these pairs of commands and the other commands added to the Office application by the SaveSecure Office Integration option.

Command added to the Office application

What it does

Open ZIP File

Opens a dialog in which you can browse to a ZIP file containing a document to open.

For the command to work:

  • The ZIP file must contain only a single document file

  • The document must be of a type that the application can work with (such as a spreadsheet in Excel)

The command is accessible from the File menu or the Smartcrypt tab

Smartcrypt Options

Opens Smartcrypt Options.

The command is accessible from the Smartcrypt tab

If the button Save copy as a ZIP archive is selected

Save Copy with Smartcrypt

Saves an unencrypted snapshot copy of the current document to a ZIP file. A Save Archive As dialog opens in which you can specify a name. Your original document remains open, and any further edits you make (and save) are applied to that original, not to the zipped copy.

This command is disabled if policy settings require encryption.

The command is accessible from the File menu or the Smartcrypt tab

If the button Save file as a ZIP archive is selected

Save  with Smartcrypt

Saves the current document, unencrypted, to a ZIP file. A Save Archive As dialog opens in which you can specify a name. Smartcrypt then closes the original and opens the zipped copy in the application. The zipped copy becomes the new original. Use the application's ordinary Save command (instead of Save as ZIP File) to save further edits to the file. Smartcrypt updates the zipped copy with your saved edits when you close the application in which you are editing the document.

Smartcrypt must remain open while you edit the document.

This command is disabled if policy settings require encryption.

If Delete original file after saving is selected, Smartcrypt deletes the original, unzipped copy of the document.

The command is accessible from the File menu or the Smartcrypt tab

Default SaveSecure Folder

This option lets you define where your ZIP file should be saved by default by setting where the Save As dialog is opened. These options include:

  • Most recently used folder: The last folder you saved to in this application. This is the default setting.

  • My Documents folder: The standard folder where Office applications save to.

  • Active document folder: The same folder as the existing, uncompressed document. For example, if you are saving a document in the My Documents\Samples folder as an archive, SaveSecure would save the archive to My Documents\Samples.

  • Specified folder: Define your own default folder. Type the path in the Folder box, or use the Browse button to locate the folder you want.

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