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MacOS: Passwords/Passphrases

Encrypting Files with a Password/Passphrase

File Selected on desktop

Right click Menu is prompted to user

To encrypt a file, choose the file to encrypt and right click. This will produce a pop-up menu. Scroll the the bottom and select Smartcrypt: Create Archive.

Smartkey dialog is shown to end user

This will produce a new menu that lists the Smartkeys already linked to this Smartcrypt account. The checkbox next to each Smartkey indicates whether a Smartkey is being used to encrypt a file.  A checked box indicates the file is encrypted with a Smartkey, and an unchecked box indicates that the file is not encrypted with a Smartkey. 

Smartkey - unchecking of smartkey

In order to encrypt your file with a password/passphrase, the check boxes must be unchecked as shown in the picture to the left.

Passphrase dialog is highlighted to user

If you choose to encrypt a file with a password/passphrase, uncheck the boxes and enter a passphrase where indicated in the picture to the left.  Then select OK.

New Encrypted file is shown on the desktop

The file is now encrypted with a passphrase, and can only be decrypted by entering the correct passphrase.

Decrypting File with Passphrase

File is shown on desktop

To decrypt a file with a passphrase, first locate the file on your device.

File is right clicked on the users desktop

After finding the file you wish to decrypt, right click the file and navigate to Smartcrypt: Extract Archive and select it.

Passphrase dialog is shown to the end user

This will prompt a pop-up menu that will ask you to enter a passphrase to decrypt the file.

Passphrase is entered by user

Enter the appropriate passphrase and select OK.

A pop-up message will appear in the top right of your screen indicating that the file has been decrypted.

Decrypted File is shown on desktop

The newly decrypted file will appear as shown in the picture on the left.
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