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MacOS - Trusting a SSL Certificate

Trusting a SSL Certificate on Mac OS

Safari does not trust the website certificate

Browse to the Smartcrypt Manager Login screen in Safari


If the SSL certificate is not trusted, there will be a prompt alerting you about the certificate.

user drags and drops certificate to the desktop

Drag and Drop the certificate icon and place the certificate on your desktop.

You should see a new icon on your desktop after you release your mouse.

user double clicks certificate on desktop. Keychain prompt

Double Click the certificate on your desktop to add the certificate to the System keychain. You will need to authenticate this action with an administrator credential.

New certificate in keychain is shown to the end user

If Keychain Access does not automatically open, open the Application Keychain Access.

Once it is open, navigate to the new certificate by selecting Certificates on the left side menu, then finding the certificate in the list.

Once you have found the certificate, double click the certificate to load the details.

Expand the Trust section of the certificate and find the option:

"When using this certificate"

Mark this as "Always Trust".

Close the certificate details window.

Login Verfication on keychain required is shown

Upon closing the Window, you will need to verify and provide Administrator credentials to confirm your change to trust the certificate.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.