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Save an Archive

To save a new archive or a copy of an existing archive under a new name:

1.  Choose Save As from the Application Menu or Save from the Quick Access Toolbar to open the Save Archive As dialog.

This dialog opens automatically when you add files to a new archive that has not yet been named if the Auto-Save feature is turned on. (Auto-Save is turned on by default.)

2.  Navigate to the folder where you want to save the archive.

3.  In the Save as type drop-down menu, select an archive type: For example, ZIP Files.

The choice of archive type that you see depends on how many files the archive contains. More…

Note: Encryption or digital signatures applied to an archive or its files by PK Protect are preserved only when you save the archive as a ZIP or OpenPGP file. If you save an archive in another format—for example, BZIP2—the files are saved in the new archive without any encryption or signatures. (If any files are encrypted, only files that you can decrypt are saved.)

An OpenPGP archive always retain its built-in encryption.

4.  In the File name field, enter a name for the file.

The file name extension—.zip, for example—shown in the Save as type drop-down menu is automatically appended to the name you enter if you do not type it yourself.

5.  To split the archive into multiple segments of a specified size, use the Split size drop-down menu to select or enter a size for the segment files.

The default setting Auto-Detect automatically breaks an archive into segments if there is not enough space for the entire archive on the drive you specified. With a fixed drive (such as a hard disk), PK Protect splits the archive and prompts you for a location for the segment that would not fit. With removable media, PK Protect automatically breaks the archive into segments of a size to fit on the removable disk and prompts you to insert additional disks as necessary until the entire archive is saved. Saving an archive across multiple removable media is called spanning.

Note: Segments of split archives and spanned archives are named differently.

With the Auto-Detect setting, the archive is segmented only if the archive is too big to fit unless it is segmented.

This drop-down menu is initially set to the same setting as the similar drop-down menu on the Advanced page of Compression options. Whatever setting you make here overrides the setting on the Advanced page.

6.  Choose Save to save the archive. If you have chosen to sign or encrypt the archive, you'll be asked to enter a passphrase and/or identify recipients.

To save a named archive after adding, changing, or deleting any of its files:

Choose Save from the PK Protect button. By default, PK Protect saves an archive automatically after you make any change to it. If you are making several changes to an archive, you may find it faster to wait to save the archive until you make all your changes to it. To do this, turn off Auto-Save.

Select an Archive Type

The choice of archive types offered in the Save as Type drop-down menu list depends on how many files the archive contains. Archives of different types can contain different numbers of files.

For example, if the archive contains more than one file, you are not offered the choice to save the archive as a BZIP2 archive. BZIP2 archives cannot contain more than one file.

Here is a list of archive types with the number of files each can contain:

Archive Type

Can Contain How Many Files

ZIP (*.zip)

0 or more


0 or more

Bzip2(*.bz2; *.tbz; *.bz)


TAR (*.tar)

1 or more

Gzip (*.gz; *.tgz)






Java Archive(*.jar, *.ear, *.war)

0 or more

OpenPGP(*.pgp, *.gpg)

1 or more

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