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Windows: Installation

Windows Installation

Graphical Installation

  1. Right click on the Windows Installer and choose "Run as administrator".
  2. Review and accept the license agreement.
  3. Select a setup type of either typical or custom.
    1. Typical will install all program features.
    2. Custom allows you to choose which programs and features you wish to install.
  4. Launch the PEM Agent by double clicking on the PEM Agent icon from the desktop.

Command Line Installation

You can install the PEM Agent from the Windows command-line prompt or a batch file. In the command line, you can set values for various properties to customize the installation.

The command line looks like this:

<name of PK Protect installation file> /S /v"<properties>"


  • /S is a switch that tells InstallShield® to run silently and not to display various initial screens (that say, for example,  Preparing to install )

  • /v is a switch that must be used to pass any specified PK Protect properties to the Windows installer.

  • <properties> is a list of property settings

You can also optionally pass in a switch to specify either the Basic UI, that displays a dialog containing only a Cancel button to allow canceling of the installation; or No UI, that displays no dialog. Both Basic UI and No UI can run unattended. The default is the full, graphical UI, which is interactive and so cannot run unattended.

/qbBasic UI
/qnNo UI

Any quotes (") in the parameters must be escaped with a backslash (\).

<name of PK Protect installation file> /S /v/qb
<name of PK Protect installation file> /S /v"/qb PKPGPASSOC=0"

The properties you can set or change are described below:

Disable add to Path...

By default, the PEM Agent installer adds the command line program to the system's PATH. To disable the PK Protect  command line interface from being added to the system PATH environment variable, type a command like this:

<name of PK Protect installation file> /S /v"ADD_TO_PATH=0"
Disable Command Line Interface (CLI)...

By default, the command line interface is included in your PEM Agent installation. If you prefer to only use the graphical interface, use this command:

<name of PK Protect installation file> /S /v"CLI=0"
Do not install graphical (GUI) components...

If you want to only run the PEM Agent through its command-line interface, you can disable all graphical elements by setting the GUI property to 0 using a command line like this:

<name of PK Protect installation file> /S /v"GUI=0"

Caution: Disabling the graphical interface also turns off PEM Agent Attachments, SaveSecure Office Integration and all file associations.

Associate file types with PK Protect…

By default, the installation associates with the PEM Agent the types of files listed in the following table. These file associations enable you to open a file of any of these types in the endpoint agent by double-clicking it in Windows Explorer.

File TypeProperty

If you do not want a particular file type associated with the PEM Agent, set the corresponding property to 0 in the command line. For example:

<name of PK Protect installation file> /S /v"PKPGPASSOC=0"

 By default, the installation creates shortcuts to PEM Agent. If you do not want a shortcut created in one of the places listed in the table below, set the corresponding property to 0.

Program group on start menuPKSTARTMENU
Do not install PK Protect Attachments...

PEM Agents Attachments, the extension module for zipping email messages and attachments, installs by default if Outlook is detected. To not install PK Protect Attachments, set the MAIL property to No using a command line like this:

<name of PK Protect installation file> /S /v"MAIL=0"
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