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System Status

Use the Smartcrypt Enterprise Manager Status page to view server and time zone details.

Server Status

PKWARE Support uses the information in the Server Status section to diagnose incidents and problems. Server Status provides a read-only view to the versions of your Smartcrypt Manager application and database.

ProductNearly always "PKWARE Enterprise Manager"
Application VersionThe active version of Smartcrypt Enterprise Manager
Database VersionThe active version of the Smartcrypt database
Database ConnectionsNumber of connections this instance has with the Smartcrypt database
Operating System Update

PKWARE offers regular updates to the Smartcrypt OS. If an update has been applied since the original installation, a date stamp for that version (YYYY.MM.DD) appears here.

Application URLWeb address of Smartcrypt Enterprise Manager
Up TimeDisplays: 
  • Current Universal Time (UTC)
  • How long (Days/Hour/Minutes) SEM has been running
  • Current number of users
  • Load average over the previous minute, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes
Disk SpaceCurrent disk usage, with remaining available space
Daily JobsYou should restart the system daily to ensure that all clients also log in daily. Click the link to set the best time for the restart.

Time Zone

Logs in Smartcrypt Enterprise Manager use Universal Time (UTC) to provide a consistent time stamp for system events and interactions with devices connecting from anywhere. Use this page to compare UTC with your local time.

Local TimeSet by your system
Universal TimeFormerly known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Time ZoneSet by your system with reference to UTC (Central Daylight Time is UTC -500)
Network Time OnIf set to yes, your system is synchronized with an atomic clock, using the Network Time Protocol (NTP)
NTP SynchronizedIf Network Time is on, this item should also read yes. If not, there's a problem.
NTP ServerBy default, Enterprise Manager connects to the nearest NTP Pool server. If you use an internal or other time server, type the URL here.


This section allows you as an Administrator to Shutdown or Reboot the system manually. Click the appropriate button to complete the task.

Secure Shell (SSH) access to the server is Enabled by default. Click the link to Disable.

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