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The Smartcrypt Enterprise Manager (SEM) offers administrators a view of all the devices that have connected to their Smartcrypt environment. The default view will only show 10 devices, but the view can be altered to change how many devices are displays on the screen within a single view. This view also allows an administrator the ability to disable a device. This functionality is essentially a kill switch for a device that has been lost or stolen. After a device has been disabled it will not be able to access any of the Smartkeys to decrypt and type of encrypted data on the device.

Use the search tool to identify the device you want to view. To view all devices, click Search without entering data. To identify a device to disable, fill in at least one field before searching.

DeviceThe device column will track the name of the device that reported. This may be the name of the Windows system typically defined by a system administrator, or it may be the name of an iDevice that the user defines themselves.
EnabledClick the text to toggle (Enabled/Disabled). When a device is enabled, it is allowed to connect and synchronize keys with the Smartcrypt Manager.
PlatformThe operating system for the device
Application NameApplication name the device connected with
Application VersionApplication version the device connected with
Owner NameThis is the name for the user who has logged into a device.
Owner EmailThis is the email address for the user who has logged into a device.
Last Accessed AfterDate the device last connected to and authenticated with Smartcrypt Enterprise Manager. The last accessed date can be helpful in determining activity if there are duplicate entries, such as one user with multiple devices called iPhone.
Last Accessed BeforeObject that can be defined to search for devices before a specific date
Last IPThe IP address associated with the device when it last connected to and authenticated with SEM.
URNSmartcrypt generates a unique Universal Resource Name (URN) for each registered device. No two devices will have the same URN. This URN can help identifying issues with the PKWARE support team, and also when researching the data provided in Data Security Intelligence reporting. This is the name email address for the user who has logged into a device.

Performance Policy

Performance policies are policies that can be defined to customize the performance consumption by PKWARE clients. When policies are defined on the Archive/Policies page, they can be applied to clients here. To assign a performance policy to an agent follow the steps below,

  1. Make a query for a device
  2. Select the devices you want to apply a new performance policy to by checking the box in the left most column of a device
  3. Select a performance policy from the drop-down created in the Policies page, and click the "Set" button to set the performance for the selected devices. For more information on what a default policy is and how to create your own performance policies, navigate to the bottom of the policies page for "Performance Controls" here
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