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DKE Keys

NameA unique name given to the key

Enable Encryption

Boolean variable (yes or no) defining whether encryption with this key is enabled
Enable DecryptionBoolean variable (yes or no) defining whether decryption with this key is enabled

The URL double key encryption service path that is used by administrators for defining the location of the key service. This link can be copied at the "Copy Link" option on the right most side of the table.

Please see Microsoft documentation for creating a sensitive label with DKE enabled for where to paste this within the Microsoft Compliance Center.

Created AtThe date and time the key was created
Updated AtThe date and time the key was updated


Click the "Add" button to create a new DKE key. Note: Be sure to provide a unique name for a new DKE key.

Import & Export: Transferring DKE Keys

At some point, you may need to move keys used for DKE from one environment to another. Our manager allows you to export the existing keys from one server (server 1) to another server (server 2). Follow these steps:

  1. Start on Server 2 that does not have the DKE keys yet, go the DKE page.
  2. Click Import/Export.
  3. Click Download Public Key. Save the generated JSON file to a convenient location.
  4. On server One that has the DKE keys, go to DKE.
  5. Click Import/Export.
  6. Click Export.
  7. In the Upload Public Key to Target Server, browse to the JSON file saved in Step 3.
  8. In Select Keys to Export, all existing Communities are checked by default. You may uncheck the box next to any keys you don't want to export. Click OK.
  9. Save the generated Key Transfer file to a convenient location.
  10. Return to the Server 2.
  11. Click Import.
  12. Browse to the Key Transfer file. Click OK.
  13. After the import, you will see the imported DKE Keys in the DKE table list.
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