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macOS Getting Started


Users, typically partners and customers, located externally to organizations that use Smartcrypt to protect their data often need to collaborate, obtain or share information that’s considered sensitive or private. Considering this information is encrypted prior to being sent externally, the external recipients need a tool to securely decrypt the protected files sent to them. The Smartcrypt Reader is the ideal application for organization to facilitate the sharing of secure information to their external users.

Minimum Requirements

  • MacOS 10.13

Installation & Use

Smartcrypt logo as it appears on the desktop

Move the Smartcrypt onto your desktop for easy access. Double click on the icon to continue.

PKware end user license agreement

The first time you use Smartcrypt Reader, you will see the software license agreement. Click Yes to accept the terms of this agreement.

Default smartcrypt reader page is shown

To open a zip or protected zip file, you can also select a file to open by choosing Select archives to extract and browsing to the ZIP archive you want to open.

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