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I forgot the password for my .zip file(s). What do I do?

PKWARE solutions utilize strong encryption so there is nothing that can be done if you lose or forget your password. It is important to remember your password as PKWARE has no special means for getting around the encryption and may not be able to assist in the recovery of an encrypted file.

What is the difference between the Data Compression Library (DCL) and the PKZIP / SecureZIP Toolkit?

The DCL provides data compression and decompression functions using the PKWARE DCLImplode algorithm only. With it you can compress a stream of data and send the compressed data to the destination of your choice. Destinations include memory buffers, other processes, or files in any format you define. The DCL does not directly support the .ZIP file format. The Toolkit will allow you to use all the functionality of PKZIP / SecureZIP to create and manage zip files using data compression and / or data security. The PKZIP / SecureZIP Toolkit can be used to open files created using the Data Compression Library. The PKZIP / SecureZIP Toolkit supports file, memory and stream operations.

Are zip files made by the Toolkit compatible with PKZIP?

Yes, files created by the PKZIP / SecureZIP Toolkit can be uncompressed by PKZIP or SecureZIP for Windows.

What is the difference between the PKZIP Toolkit and SecureZIP Toolkit?

SecureZIP Toolkit offers all the options of PKZIP Toolkit but also includes the ability to use strong encryption, digital certificates, digital signatures, LDAP integration, and the ability to make Self-Extracting Files (SFX).

I am compiling in a language other than C or C++, can I use a PKWARE SDK?

Our SDKs can be used with most programming languages; however, you may need to create an integration wrapper to interface between the SDK and your application if you cannot directly call C or C++ routines. If you are using a .NET language, PKWARE provides a .NET wrapper with the PKZIP / SecureZIP toolkit.

I am getting an exception with error XXXX. Where can I find a list of errors?

All errors are documented in pkstatus.h. This file can be found within the Include folder located in the installation directory. You can also find all errors in the product documentation.

What is the difference between the evaluation version and the purchased product?

The evaluation is fully functional, offering all features of the product. The evaluation can only be used for 30 days from installation.

Are the DCL and PKZIP / SecureZIP Toolkit 64-bit compatible?

The DCL and Toolkit are compiled as 32-bit libraries. They can be used within any application that can link with a 32-bit library. Most 32-bit applications will run unmodified on a 64-bit platform. The PKZIP and SecureZIP toolkit are compiled both as 32-bit and 64-bit libraries beginning with version 8.8.

Is a 64-bit version of the PKZIP / SecureZIP Toolkit available?

Yes, version 8.8 and later include both 32 and 64 bit DLLs.

Help is not accessible from Start menu?

This is a know issue with version 10 of the PKZIP / SecureZIP Toolkit for Windows. That path configured for the Help files contains an incorrect folder name component. To correct this, open Properties for each of the PKWARE Toolkit Help items in the Start menu and edit the path. Change the name of the path component called PAAPI to be PAAPI10. The Help files should now open from the Start menu.

Is the PKZIP / SecureZIP Toolkit available for other languages or platforms?

Yes, the SecureZIP Toolkit is available for Java. It can be used on any platform supporting Java 6 or newer.

Can the PKZIP / SecureZIP Toolkit be used to meet FIPS 140-2 programming requirements?

Yes, The toolkits for Windows and Java program development can be used for FIPS 140-2 programming requirements. The Java toolkit can be configured to use a FIPS 140-2 validated provider that is included with the toolkit software. The default provider is not FIPS 140-2 validated. On Windows, for systems configured to use the Windows RSAENH.DLL, FIPS 140-2 cryptography will be used.

Can the PKZIP / SecureZIP Toolkit be used to create and open OpenPGP encrypted files?

Yes, The toolkits for Windows and Java program development can be used to open files encrypted using the RFC 2440 or RFC 4880 OpenPGP encryption format. To create OpenPGP encrypted files, the SecureZIP toolkit is required.

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