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MacOS: Lockers

Create a Locker

SEM Lockers page is shown with add locker button

The Lockers function allows the user to encrypt files by simply adding a file into a file directory. 

To create a locker, login to the PK Protect Manager, navigate to the Advanced->Lockers Page, and click Add Locker as shown in the picture.

Lockers Page with a specific device is highlighted

At this screen, you can search for your lockers. This is where you are selecting a device to put a locker on.

Create Locker page is shown with path emphasized in image

In the Path bar, type the path you wish to place the locker. This specified path is the path on the local device. Here you can also specify a white list or a black list, or any other requirements. Select Save.

Fill in details for locker

Once you have entered the necessary information, select Save. Whatever file you place in the path bar will automatically be encrypted.

Locker is shown to have been created

Your newly created path will appear. Select Done.

Proof of locker working on the endpoint machine

The local device you chose in manager is the new locker. In our example, we named the file Locked. Anything that is dropped into this file path is encrypted with the Smartkey that was chosen during creation of the locker.

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