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Windows Server: Scripted Installation

The PEM Administrator runs the application in the Microsoft dot net core framework. It still requires IIS to run to receive the web requests which are then passed to the web application. With the launch of the PEM Administrator 18.0, there is a powershell script that is run to install system prerequisites in addition to guide a system administrator to setting up the PEM Administrator.

Supported Windows Server Environments:

Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2022

Windows Server 2016

  • Windows Core environments are currently not supported

Installation Process

  1. Log in to the Windows Server environment.
  2. Copy the PEM Administrator installation package to the Windows Server.
  3. Extract the .ZIP package

Setting Up the Installation Script

Open Windows Powershell as an Administrator

Go to the folder where you extracted the PEM Administrator files.

Run ./install.ps1. This script will run in this order.

Installing Missing IIS Features

The install program will download and install any Windows Internet Information Server (IIS) features needed to run PEM Administrator. These features include:

  • WebServerRole

  • CommonHttpFeatures

  • Default Document

  • HttpErrors

  • StaticContent

  • HealthAndDiagnostics

  • HttpLogging

  • Performance

  • HttpCompressionStatic

  • Security

  • WindowsAuthentication

  • ApplicationDevelopment

  • NetFxExtended-ASPNET45

  • NetFXExtensibility45

  • ASPNET45

  • ISAPIExtensions

  • ISAPIFilter

  • WebServerManagementTools

  • ManagementConsole

  • .NET Core

Identifying the Database

Once Internet Information Server is installed, you will be asked whether to install PostgreSQL on the Windows server. By default, the installer will assume you will use a remote database server for PEM Administrator. Press ‘Y’ to install PostgreSQL locally.

The installer will then extract the PEM Administrator program files. Windows Server: Installation and Setup Guide - SQL Server database

Configuring PEM Administrator 

After installation, answer a series of configuration questions:

  • Site Name: If the installer identifies one or more existing Sites on this server, the installer will ask if you want to configure PEM Administrator on an existing (E) site or create a new (N) site. The default choice is create a new site. The installer will then ask you to Name the site. The default name is PK Protect, but you can change it here.

  • Confirm Application Name: This creates an application that contains the PK Protect content and code. By default, its name is mds (metadata server). Press N to define another application name. The installer will display the current list of Application Pools.

  • Create and Configure Application Pool: Application Pools manage PK Protect internal worker processes on IIS. The next few questions ask you whether you want to create a New pool for PEM Administrator (the default option), name the pool (default: PK Protect)

  • Confirm Hostname: The installer displays the hostname of the machine. Press Y to confirm.

  • Attach an HTTPS Certificate: PK Protect will use an existing X.509 certificate on the server, import a certificate from another device, or create a self-signed certificate (default). Because PEM Administrator works only with people and devices internal to your organization; a self-signed certificate is sufficient. If you choose to create a self-signed certificate, PK Protect will create and display the new certificate. Press Y to confirm that you want to use the new certificate.

Configuring Database Connection

You’re almost done! The installer displays the current Database Connection Information, looking like this:

Database Connection Information:
  Platform:  SQLServer
  User Id:
Database connection is invalid.

Fill in the missing entries. Confirming the defaults should be fine. Press N if you need to change any of these settings.

  • Confirm Database Platform: In the example above, SQLServer is the platform. Press Y to confirm, or N to change.
  • Set Database Server: Confirm that this machine is the database server for this PK instance.
  • Confirm Port: PEM Administrator uses port 1433 by default.
  • Confirm database:
  • Confirm database User ID: Enter the User ID and password.
  • (Optional) Add Extra Parameter: You may add another requirement for authenticating a user for database access. Default is No.

The installer will test the database connection configured here. If the connection is not Valid, review and correct the settings.

Set Account Passwords

Before the installer script runs, set the account password for this PEM Administrator instance.

  • Add PEM Administrator Account password:

  • Confirm Local Administrator user password:Credentials for the SuperUser admin.

When this is complete, the installer will complete the installation. The script will setup an Application Pool, Site and Application in IIS on the server.

When the installer is complete, you should be able to open the PEM Administrator on https://<hostname>/mds.

If you are not able to reach the site, confirm the hostname is accessible via DNS or a hostfile.

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