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Results Diff

The Results Diff screen will give you an insight into the similarities and differences between the various instances of the same task. This comparison is useful in determining whether the risk profile of the targeted database is improving over the time. It shows the difference if any changes are made in the tasks. This screen also displays the list of all sensitive types associated with the selected policy.

The Reports Diff report can be viewed for RDBMS, RDS/RedShift, and Azure Databases. To access the Reports Diff page, click RDBMS > DETECTION > RESULTS > RESULTS DIFF tab on top ribbon.

To view the data for RDBMS, RDS or Azure, select the module from Select Module drop-down.

This screen is divided into three panels.

  1. Select a Task
    This panel displays the list of all the Detection tasks that have been created. Select the task and the panel to the right displays the list of all the instances of the selected task that has been executed.

    There are few other common functionalities through which you can sort the data in columns and can view the list of column headers. To know more, visit Common Controls.

    To refresh the panel with updated information, click the Refresh button.

  2. Select two Results to Diff

    This panel displays the list of all the instances of the task selected in the Select a Task panel. It allows a user to compare the results of the two instances of the same task. This panel displays the ID (system generated), Start and End Time.

    You can view the details of the task by expanding the downward arrow available with the ID column. This displays the details about the task such as the Task Name, Task Instance ID, Policy Name; if selected, list of sensitive types, etc.

    There are few other common functionalities through which you can sort the data in columns and can view the list of column headers. To know more, visit Common Controls.

    Select any two random instance of the task and click Show Diff button on the top right corner of the panel.

    Show Diff: Click Show Diff button to display the common results and differences between the selected task instances in the Results panel.

  3. Results

    This panel displays the common results and differences discovered in both instances of the task based on the option selected in the Show drop-down. There are three options available in the Show drop-down i.e., Common Results, Both and Differences.

    1. Common Results: This panel provides the details of the common sensitive type, encountered in the database. It gives information of the Sensitive Type discovered in the table for the selected database. It also displays the column’s datatype and the name.

    2. Both: The Both option display both the Common Results and the Difference for the selected instances of the task.

    3. Differences: This panel displays the differences found in both the selected task instances. It provides the details about the Sensitive Types that includes ID (system generated), Sensitive Type, Column, Datatype, Table, Database Name, Sensitive Group.

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