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Zip and UnZip from Windows Explorer

You can create, update, and extract from archives right from Windows Explorer.

To access the commands listed in the tables below, select one or more files or folders in Windows Explorer and right-click one of them to open the context menu. In the menu, select Smartcrypt to display the Smartcrypt commands.

If You Select Anything But an Archive

If you select multiple files or folders, or a single file that is not an archive, the cascading menu displays these commands:


What It Does

Add to Existing Archive

Adds all selected files and folders to an archive that you pick.

Compress: "<name>"

Adds all selected files and folders to a new ZIP archive named "<name>" and created in the current folder.

Compress to...

Adds all selected files and folders to a new archive that you name and specify a location for.

Encrypt to ...

Adds all selected files and folders to a new encrypted archive that you name and specify a location for.

Encrypt: "<name>"

Adds all selected files and folders to a new encrypted ZIP archive named "<name>" and created in the current folder.

ZIP and E-Mail

Adds all selected files and folders to a new archive  named "<name>"(after the name of the first selected file, unless Encrypted File Names is turned on) that you can rename and  specify a location for. Depending on your settings, you may also need to specify encryption methods. Smartcrypt then opens a new, blank email message window with the archive already attached. (Your email program may need to be running in order for Smartcrypt to be able to open a new message window.)


Opens the Smartcrypt Options dialog. Here you can set options to apply when you add and extract files.

 If You Select an Archive

Additional commands display in the Smartcrypt cascading menu if you right-click an archive in Windows Explorer:


What It Does


Opens the selected archive in Smartcrypt.

Decrypt To

Opens the Extract Files dialog, where you can select the folder where you want to extract the contents of the archive.


Extracts the contents of the archive to the current folder.

Decrypt To: "folder name"

Extracts the contents of the archive to a subfolder named after the archive. Smartcrypt creates the subfolder if it does not already exist.

Copy passphrase

Every Smartkey generates a passphrase that can be shared with anyone by the Smartkey owner to allow them to open the encrypted file. Select this option to copy this passphrase to the Clipboard.

View/Edit Smartkey

Opens the Smartkey Properties window.


Opens the Smartcrypt Options dialog. Here you can set options to apply when you add and extract files.

 You can also open an archive in Smartcrypt by double-clicking it if that archive type is associated with Smartcrypt. Note: you cannot open a ZIP archive in a long path (more than 260 characters) with a double-click. Open this file inside the Smartcrypt program.

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