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The PK Endpoint Manager Dashboard allows admins to quickly review the most important data that SEM is processing. The SEM offers a default set of panels on this page, but you can organize the Dashboard's panels any way you like. This page gives you a head start on using the Dashboard.

Getting Started with Dashboard

Make sure you have turned on Daily Reports in Advanced > Reports, To include Data Security Intelligence (DSI) data in the Dashboard, activate Dashboard Elasticsearch Target on the Basics page.

Default panels include:

  • Servers Created / Protected Servers
  • Endpoints Created / Protected Endpoints
  • VDIs Created / Protected VDIs
  • Accounts Created / Protected Accounts
  • Encryptions / Decryptions
  • Discoveries: By Pattern, By User, By Location
  • Discovery Remediation By Action

Unlock Dashboard

Before making any changes to this Dashboard, go to the gear

icon to Unlock Dashboard. When you're finished making changes, return here to Lock Dashboard.

Changing Date Ranges

You can change the Date Range for all visible panels with the Date Range box.

Choose from All available data, Absolute dates, where you choose a specific date range (for example, for a 30-day range starting on 1/5/2020), or Relative (where you choose from the last X Days/Months/Years). Click Apply to update all panels. The Dashboard updates automatically.

You can individualize date range displays for each panel. Click the gear

icon in the upper right corner of the panel to open the Properties dialog.

Add Panels


to add another panel. Select the panel you want to add and review the Properties dialog settings. Click Add to Dashboard.

Organize Panels

Drag panels around the screen to place the most critical items at the top.

Refresh Panel Data

Click the Refresh 

button to update Dashboard data.

Export Panels

You can deliver Dashboard reports as a PNG image of the current Dashboard. You can also export a ZIP archive of each report as a CSV file  for recording in a spreadsheet.


and choose the file format.

Select From Specialized Dashboards

If you want to focus on specific areas of PK Protect processes, click Select Dashboard

and choose from these default choices:

  • Classification Dashboard: Panels include Manual Classifications (MC): By User, By Label, by Provider
  • Secure Email Dashboard: Panels include: Sensitive Emails: by Destination, Sensitive Messages: By Pattern, Sensitive Attachments: By Pattern; Email Actions by Type
  • Encryptions Dashboard: Encryptions; Encryptions by User; Encryptions by Location; Decryptions; Decryptions by User; Decryptions by Location
  • System Dashboard: System Information (includes the same information as the Server Status section on the System tab); Disk Space (a pie chart showing the Used/Free status); a set of Environment Activity:  Archive Policies, Agent Versions, Smartkeys, Agent Updates, and Community Keys; and a pair of bar charts: Active Users and Active Devices These display Current numbers and numbers for the Last Week and Last Month.

Add Dashboards

To create a custom Dashboard, click the Gear

and select New Dashboard. Add new panels as before.

Restoring Dashboards

To undo changes you've recently made, click the Gear and select Restore Dashboard. You can also start over, and restore the Dashboard to its Default state. Select Restore Defaults.


Chart NameDefault Dashboard LocationChart Information
EncryptionsUltimate Sys Admin's Dashboard
Encryption Dashboard
The number of encryption actions executed. Showing the total for each day, for the time range of the report
Encryptions by Location  Encryption DashboardEncrypted files that contain the most sensitive items in them, with a slice showing the total number of sensitive items in each file (Top 10 files with most senstivie items)
Encryptions by UserEncryption DashboardThe number of encryption actions executed, with a slice showing the total for each unique user (Top 10 users based on number of encryption events)
DecryptionsUltimate Sys Admin's DashboardThe number of decryption actions executed. Showing the total for each day, for the time range of the report
Decryptions by LocationEncryption DashboardDecrypted files that contain the most sensitive items in them, with a slice showing the total number of sensitive items in each file (Top 10 files with most senstivie items)
Decryptions by UserEncryption DashboardThe number of decryption actions executed, with a slice showing the total for each unique user (Top 10 users based on number of decryption events)
Redacted FilesRedaction DashboardThe number of files that were redacted. Showing the total for each day, for the time range of the report
Redacted Files by PatternRedaction DashboardThe number of redacted files, with a slice showing the number for each discovery pattern that triggered the redaction (Top 10 patterns)
Redacted Files by Location  Redaction DashboardRedacted files that contain the most sensitive items in them, with a slice showing the total number of sensitive items in each file  (Top 10 files with most senstivie items)
Redacted Files by UserRedaction DashboardThe number of redacted files, with a slice showing the total for each unique user (Top 10 users based on number of redaction events)
DiscoveriesUltimate Sys Admin's DashboardThe number of discovery actions executed. Showing the total for each day; for the time range of the report
Discoveries by UserUltimate Sys Admin's DashboardThe number of discovery actions executed, with a slice showing the total for each unique user. (Top 10 users based on number of discovery events)
Discoveries by LocationUltimate Sys Admin's DashboardDiscover events on files that contain the most sensitive items in them, with a slice showing the total number of sensitive items in each file  (Top 10 files with most senstivie items)
Discoveries by PatternUltimate Sys Admin's DashboardThe number of discovery events executed, with a slice showing the number for each discovery pattern (Top 10 patterns based on number of discovery events)
Discovery Remediations by ActionUltimate Sys Admin's DashboardThe number of remediation actions taken, with a slice showing the number each unique remediation type. (Top 10 remediation types based on the number of actions taken)
Accounts Created Ultimate Sys Admin's DashboardNumber of accounts that were added to PK Protect within the time range of the report
Protected AccountsUltimate Sys Admin's DashboardTotal number of accounts that exist in PK Protect
VDIs CreatedUltimate Sys Admin's DashboardNumber of devices with a type of ‘Window Desktop Virtual’ (Virtual Desktop Instance), added to PK Protect within the time range of the report.
Protected VDIsUltimate Sys Admin's DashboardTotal number of devices with a type of ‘Window Desktop Virtual’ (Virtual Desktop Instance), that exist in PK Protect
Servers CreatedUltimate Sys Admin's DashboardNumber of Windows or Linux servers that were added to PK Protect within the time range of the report
Protected ServersUltimate Sys Admin's DashboardTotal number of Windows or Linux servers that exist in PK Protect
Endpoints CreatedUltimate Sys Admin's DashboardNumber of Windows, macOS, iOS and Android devices that were added to PK Protect within the time range of the report
Protected EndpointsUltimate Sys Admin's DashboardTotal number of Windows, macOS, iOS and Android devices that exist in PK Protect
Sensitive EmailsEmail DashboardThe number of emails sent that contained sensitive information (in the message or attachment); showing the total for each day, for the time range of the report
Sensitive MessagesEmail DashboardThe number of emails, whose message content was found to contain sensitive information, showing the total for each day, for the time range of the report
Sensitive AttachmentsEmail DashboardThe number of emails, whose attachments that were found to contain sensitive information, showing the total for each day, for the time range of the report
Sensitive Emails by DestinationEmail DashboardThe number of emails containing sensitive information (in messages or attachments), with a slice showing the number for each email recipient. (Top 10 recipients based on the number of emails sent to them)
Sensitive Messages by PatternEmail DashboardThe number of emails, whose message content was found to contain sensitive information, with a slice showing each discovery pattern triggered. (Top 10 patterns based on the number of messages containing sensitive information)
Sensitive Attachments by PatternEmail DashboardThe number of emails, whose attachments that were found to contain sensitive information, with a slice showing each discovery pattern triggered. (Top 10 patterns based on the number of attachments containing sensitive information)
Email Actions by TypeEmail DashboardThe number of emails (messages or attachments) that were remediated, with a slice showing the number for each type of remediation executed. (Top 10 remediation types based on the number of messages remediated)
Manual ClassificationsClassification DashboardThe number of files that were manually classified,  showing the total for each day, for the time range of the report
Manual Classifications by LabelClassification DashboardThe number of files that were manually classified, with a slice showing the total for each label. (Top 10 labels based on the number of classified files)
Manual Classifications by ProviderClassification DashboardThe number of manual classifications based on the method used to classify the file. The method is the application from which the label was applied, like Word, Excel or file classifier (Top 10 methods based on the number of classified files)
Manual Classifications by UserClassification DashboardThe number of files that were manually classified, with a slice showing the total for each user. (Top 10 users based on the number of files they classified)
System InformationSystem DashboardShows information about the SEM, including: Application URL, Application Version, Number of Database Connections, Database Version, Used and available disk space, Operation System version, Uptime of the SEM application and the time at which Daily Jobs are run.
Active DevicesSystem DashboardThe number of devices that synced with the PKWARE PK Endpoint Manager over the last 24 hours (current), the last week and the last month, based on the latest time in the time range of the report
Agent VersionsSystem DashboardThe number of different agent versions deployed, with a slice showing the number for each agent version found, based on the latest time in the time range of the report (Top 10 agent versions based on the number of devices with each version)
Active UsersSystem DashboardThe number of users that synced with the PKWARE PK Endpoint Manager over the last 24 hours (current), the last week and the last month, based on the latest time in the time range of the report
SmartkeysSystem DashboardThe number of Smartkeys defined in the SEM (excluding personal Smartkeys and Community keys), based on the latest time in the time range of the report
Community KeysSystem DashboardThe number of community keys defined in the SEM, based on the latest time in the time range of the report
Archive PoliciesSystem DashboardThe number of archive policies defined in the SEM Policy tab, based on the latest time in the time range of the report
Agent UpdatesSystem DashboardThe total number of times all the agents were updated, based on the latest time in the time range of the report
Disk SpaceSystem DashboardThe amount of free and used disk space for the server on which the SEM is running, based on the time at which the report was run

Labeled Files

MIP Dashboard

The number of files to which MIP labels were applied. Showing the total for each day; for the time range of the report

Labeled Files by Name

MIP Dashboard

The number of MIP labeling actions executed, with a slice showing the total number of files for each specific MIP label. (Top 10 labels based on number of labeling events)

Labeled Files by User

MIP Dashboard

The number of MIP labeled files, with a slice showing the total number applied for each unique user (Top 10 users based on number of MIP labeling events)

Re-Labeled Files

MIP Dashboard

The number of files for which MIP labels were changed. Showing the total number of re-labeling actions for each day; for the time range of the report

Re-Labeled Files by Name

MIP Dashboard

The number of files for which MIP labels were changed, with a slice showing the total number of files for each specific MIP re-labeling action. (Top 10 labels based on number of labeling events)

Re-Labeled Files by User

MIP Dashboard

The number of MIP labeled files that were re-labeled, with a slice showing the total number of re-labeling actions for each unique user (Top 10 users based on number of MIP re-labeling events)

Labels Removed

MIP Dashboard

The number of files MIP labeled files, where the labels were removed, such that they are now un-labeled. Showing the total for each day; for the time range of the report

Label Removals by Name

MIP Dashboard

The number of MIP label removal actions executed, with a slice showing the total number of files where labels were removed, indicating the prior label name. (Top 10 based on number of label removal events)

Label Removals by User

MIP Dashboard

The number of files where MIP labels were removed, with a slice showing the total number of MIP label removals for each unique user (Top 10 users based on number of MIP label removal events)

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