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The Classification page allows for deployments of classification configurations to existing PK Protect agents by specifying the configuration, user, group, classification policy, and classification configuration. Classification configurations are can be created and exported from the Classifier Administration console. There are two tables on the classification page. This page is only applicable to PK Protect clients on Windows running on version 15.8 and above. This functionality is not supported for users on VDI.

How To Setup Classification Policies

Use the references in the page to follow the steps below.

  1. Create a classification configuration in Classifier Administration using the PDF guides supplied with the software
  2. In Classifier Administration, click in top root Classifier Administrator on the left hand side of the application
    1. Click Publish Configuration on the right hand side under "Actions"
    2. Select a local file store to store the classifier configuration
    3. Give a reason and name for the publication
  3. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the root folder of the newly published classification configuration
  4. Select the three folders under the root classification configuration and compress them into one zip: Label Configurations, Management, Messages
  5. Take this newly created zip configuration, upload it to the Archive >Classification >Configurations >Add page to save it in the Smartcrypt Enterprise Manager
  6. Go to Archive > Classification > Policy. Click Add and fill out the form:
    1. Name: Give a name of the policy
    2. Classification: Declare the AD names/groups to be associated with this classification policy
    3. Configuration: Select the newly uploaded zip configuration from the dropdown
    4. Label Configuration: Give the string of the underlying label configuration name. This string can be found in Classifier Administration directly under "Labeling Configurations" with a gear icon beside it
    5. Policy Configuration: Give the string of one of the policies created under the "Policies" folder in Classifier Administration
    6. Options: Checking, "Classifier Tooltip" will present the classification of a classified zip file instead of the Smartcrypt icon
    7. Plugins: Checking the options under plugins will allow for classifier add-on's to operate in the MS Office applications
    8. Click Save
  7. The classification configuration will be deployed out to the declared users. Office add-ins will be able to retrieve the newest classification configuration. File Classifier will retrieve the latest configuration after windows.exe is restarted.


The Policies table displays

OrderOrder in which classification policies are carried out. If a user/group is included in one or more policies, only highest ordered starting from one will be applicable.
NameUnique name for the classification policy
Users/GroupsUsers and groups from active directory that are assigned to the classification policy. You can use 7362921 to identify these.
ConfigurationZip file chosen for the policy that is uploaded in the configurations table
Label ConfigurationName of the Label Configuration from Classifier Administration.
Configuration PolicyName of the Configuration Policy from Classifier Administration.
Updated AtRecord of the last edit of the policy from the PK Endpoint PK Endpoint Manager

Advanced Definitions of Users and Groups

Admins can use Boolean expressions to identify people and groups that expand beyond the limits of standard Active Directory Groups. You can select multiple users and groups, exclude some users with the NOT operator, and add other users

In this example, the LargeData Marketing group is the Group that this policy applies to, but the group excludes user

To generate this result:

  1. Click
    in the Users/Groups field to display your options. The icon changes to
  2. Start typing the name of the User or Group to apply this policy to. PK Endpoint PK Endpoint Manager will display a list you can select from.
  3. Click Add Row.
  4. In the left-most field, change to User.
  5. To exclude a user, change the second field to not equal.
  6. Start typing the user name and select the user you want to exclude from this policy.
  7. At the top, change the Boolean operator. By default, the OR operator is selected. Change this to AND.
  8. Click outside the box to confirm the changes.

Adding a Policy

OrderOrder in which classification policies are carried out. If a user/group is included in one or more policies, only highest ordered starting from one will be applicable.
NameUnique name for the classification policy
Users/GroupsUsers and groups from active directory that are assigned to the classification policy, You can use 7362921 to identify these.
ConfigurationZip file chosen for the policy that is uploaded in the configurations table
Label ConfigurationName of the Label Configuration from Classifier Administration.
Configuration PolicyName of the Configuration Policy from Classifier Administration.
ReportingCheck Report Classification Actions to include in DSI Events
Reporting Interval (minutes)How often PEM should check for Classification events. Default: 5 minutes
EventsType in the Classifier events to record and report on
ExcelIf this box is unchecked, it will disable the email and office classifier in Excel
PowerPointIf this box is unchecked, it will disable the email and office classifier in Powerpoint
WordIf this box is unchecked, it will disable the email and office classifier in Word


NameArbitrary name that is associated with the zip file

The name of the uploaded classification configuration archive

Note: This archive must contain the "Label Configurations", "Management", and "Messages" folders at the root of the archive

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