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PK Protect Deployments allow PK Protect administrators to select and target specific devices in the PK Protect ecosystem to be upgraded. The PK Protect Administrator designs Deployments, whether as one large selection, or smaller waves. To help provide confidence that the upgrade process cannot be tampered by a malicious third party, the PK Protect Update service does some hash checking to confirm the validity and success of the installation package to the remote devices.

How to setup and manage a PK Protect Deployment

  1. Go to Archive > Deployment.
  2. Click Add.

    Deployments Screen
  3. Define the Deployment Detail.
    1. (optional) Describe your deployment using the Comment field

    2. Upload the Deployment Package file (Please see Upgrade JSON File for details)

    3. Click Save.

  4. To start assigning the Deployment to clients, select the Manage link in the Deployments table.
    Manage Deployments
    1. Administrators can use boolean expressions for granular searches with wildcard operators such as "contains" and "ends with". Example scenario below:

      1. In the first row group
        1. Click the blue "AND" button. A
        2. Add two rows by clicking "Add Row" two times.
        3. Define the details of these two rows.
      2. Click "Add Group" from the first group to create a second grouping.
        1. This new group is highlighted by the indent as well as the grey colored line box around it.
        2. Click "OR" within the new group
        3. Click the "Add Row" button from the newly created second grouping.
        4. Define the details of these two rows within this second group
      3. End Result: There should be two groups, one with 2 rows as AND, and another grouping with 2 rows defined as OR. The resulting boolean can be shown as  (A AND B AND (Y OR Z))
  5. To add specific machines into the deployment operations, click Add.

    Add Machines

  6. Check the Select box next to each client machine you want upgraded via this deployment assignment. Use the Search box to identify the machine if necessary.

    Select Machines

  7. Click Upgrade. You will be asked to confirm the action before sending the instructions down to the remote systems.

  8. On the targeted machine(s), PK Protect will display a notification a deployment was assigned and is starting.
    1. The target machine will now download the installer in provided in the deployment definition.
    2. Once the machine has downloaded the installer, it queues the upgrade to occur during the next Windows restart.
    3. Depending on the deployment options provided, the client system may restart after the upgrade has occurred to ensure a valid installation of the PK Protect client.
      Upgrade Confirmation
  9. In the PK Endpoint Manager, progress of the deployment can be seen in the Deployments table. In these screen shots, you'll see this Windows Desktop deployment move from Pending to Completed.
    Progress Bar


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