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Dashboard export and import capability allows users to create, export and import dashboards from one PK Protect’s PEM Administrator to another and/or import dashboards from PKWARE’s PEM dashboard repository hosted at PKWARE’s support website. There are ten pre-defined dashboards available to customers defined below.

Dashboard Type



Add – In Dashboard

Add-In Dashboard.json

This dashboard provides an overview of PK Secure Email activity and protections.

Classification Dashboard

Classification Dashboard.json

This dashboard provides an overview of how PKWARE is protecting files in the environment by applying classification labels.

Default Dashboard

Default Dashboard.json

This dashboard imports the Ultimate Sys Admin’s Dashboard which shows information on accounts, endpoints, servers and VDIs.

Double Key Encryption (DKE) Dashboard

Double Key Encryption Dashboard.json

This dashboard provides an overview of how PKWARE is identifying and protecting sensitive information via double key encryption.


Encryption Dashboard

Encryption Dashboard.json

This dashboard provides an overview of how PKWARE is encrypting and decrypting data in the environment.


MIP Dashboard

MIP Dashboard.json

This dashboard provides an overview of how PKWARE is protecting files in the environment by applying MIP labels.


PCI Reporting Dashboard

PCI Reporting Dashboard.json

This Dashboard provides an overview of how PKWARE is identifying and protecting sensitive information in the environment for Payment Card Industry (PCI).


Redaction Dashboard

Redaction Dashboard.json

This dashboard provides an overview of how PKWARE is identifying and protecting sensitive information in the environment using data redaction.


System Dashboard

System Dashboard.json

This dashboard provides an overview of system information, the number of active users and devices, as well as the different agent versions deployed in the environment.


To Export a Dashboard

This feature gives users the ability to export dashboards from a PEM Administrator. Users can download existing dashboards by following the steps below.

  1. Click Settings button on the top right corner of the page. This will display the list of options available.

  2. Click Export JSON option. This will download the current Dashboard to a JSON file format in the Downloads folder of the host machine.

To Import a Dashboard

This feature allows you to setup your own dashboard by importing dashboards in two ways: by using a previously exported dashboard file or downloading a dashboard from PKWARE’s PEM dashboard repository. Follow the steps below to import a dashboard:

  1. Click Support button on the top right corner of the page. This will re-direct the user to the support site where PKWARE’s pre-defined dashboards are kept. To download JSON file, refer Dashboard Export and Import.

  2. Download the JSON file which you wish to import. Typically the downloaded file can be found under the Download folder of the host machine.

  3. Go to Dashboard > Home page.

  4. Click Settings button on the top right corner of the page. This will display the list of options available.

  5. Click Import JSON option. This opens a File Browser window where you need to locate the downloaded JSON file.

  6. Select the JSON file and click Open button. This will import the JSON file of the selected dashboard.

  7. When import is successful, a message will be displayed.

  8. Once the import is successful, the dashboard will get listed in the Select a Dashboard button on the top right corner of the page.

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