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Windows Getting Started


Smartcrypt Reader DownloadEXE 32-bit6.7MBWindows only

Minimum Requirements

  • Windows Desktop running Windows 8.1 or higher
  • 256 MB RAM

Quick Start

user prompt for user PKWARE Agreement

The first time you use Smartcrypt Reader, you will see the software license agreement. Click Yes to accept the terms of this agreement.

user is asked if they can copy Smartcrypt to the desktop

Anyone can download and save the Smartcrypt Reader program file directly onto their desktop and immediately begin to use the application. Click Yes to do this.

User prompt asking if computer should use Smartcrypt for all zips

If you would like to use Smartcrypt Reader on a frequent basis, you may want to make Reader your default application for opening ZIP files.  To do this, click Yes to this question.

Default page for the Smartcrypt Reader

To open a ZIP file, drop it onto the Smartcrypt Reader icon on your desktop. You can also select a file to open by choosing Select archives to extract and browsing to the ZIP archive you want to open.

For more details on opening an archive, go to Windows How to Decrypt a File

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